2:00 p.m.14:00
BUS PILGRIMAGE to see the Manitoba Passion Play!
Join us… leaving BVM at 3 PM, returning just past midnight same night. $60 includes bus and play ticket. Call 204-582-7535
Sign up now to take a charter bus to All Saints Cemetery — limit 28 on bus
This is a Goldeyes annual “show game” for people from parishes throughout Winnipeg to enjoy good, clean fun! for you, your children, your grandchildren! Call Fr. Michael to sign up 204-582-7535. Be at our church for 4:30. The intro remarks at the game start at 5 PM.
This is FIRST FRIDAY! Come and make your monthly confession after singing Moleben with your BVM brothers and sisters.
TOURS at 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30, 4:30, 5:30